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Restoring the reputation of a housing repair company


A 30% reduction in calls took place in a company engaged in repairing of living spaces due to negative reviews while searching in the top 10 spots in and


1. Pushing out the reviews that negatively affect the image of the company from the internet.

2. Deleting a video review from

3. Filling the sites where the company information exists with positive feedback from real visitors.

Stages of work:

1. We analyzed the company's reputation in the internet and identified problem areas.

2. Report was provided to the client, got the work plan approved, indicated the problem points which are worth paying attention to.

3. We prepared the required tools for proper work: authoritative accounts, high quality and informative reviews.

4. The company was added to the required websites, directories, geo-services as part of a planned strategy with the subsequent maintenance of a positive image.

5. Negative reviews were displaced and removed from the first 10 pages of Yandex and Google search engines.

6. Video review was deleted from


A positive trend was found out regarding the number of calls to the company, because of the above activities within two months

The growth of potential customers amounted to 40%.

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