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Improving reputation of the company engaged in the sale of used equipment and the creation of positive dynamics


Company engaged in the sale of equipment is not ranked in the top 10 companies in search queries and it has a large number of negative reviews written by competing companies. This company has a low rating on the website


1. High quality crowd marketing, thereby studying the needs and comments of the target audience.

2. Removing and crowding out negative reviews by filling in positive ones.

3. Promoting of this organization and its rising to the top 10 spot in search queries.

Stages of work:

1. We analyzed the company's reputation in the internet and identified the problem areas.

2. Report was provided to the client, got the work plan approved, indicated the problem points which are worth paying attention to.

3. We prepared the required tools for proper work: authoritative accounts, high quality and informative reviews.

4. Negative reviews were displaced and removed from the first 10 pages of Yandex and Google search engines.


As a result, positive image changes were discovered in the internet, while above activities were implemented for six months. The company rating has increased on the website due to crowding out negative reviews.

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